Tag: live casino
The Future of Sports
The world is changing constantly and rapidly as new technology is developed. These technological advances impact and change the way we live our lives. In 10 to 25 years, everything might be different, including sports, the way they are played and the athletes that play (or do not play) them. Find out more.
What’s Behind Common Casino Superstitions?
No matter what your background may be, the odds are that you have at least one superstition. Go inside a gambling house or play online casino games and these superstitions will go into overdrive. Let’s look into their murky, mysterious depths and find out where these common casino superstitions came from.
Top gaming devices in 2020
The growth of the gaming industry has overtaken almost all entertainment industries in terms of market size and it shows no signs of slowing down. Most people might not consider themselves gamers, but still spend hours on Sudoku, Scrabble, Minecraft, Prominence Poker, Fifa or Pokemon Go.
Playing By the Book: UK Online Gaming Laws
When it comes to gambling in the United Kingdom, the good news is that the laws, rules and regulations are a lot more straightforward than they are in many other places around the world. The complicated laws pertaining to traditional and online gambling pertains mainly to casino owners or those providing some sort of gambling […]