The Grosvenor Gent: Your First Casino Visit

Not sure how to tackle your first time at the casino?
Our very own Grosvenor Gent, Mark Wright, takes you through everything you need to know before hitting the casino – so the only thing on your mind will be big bucks!


According to Mark, there are a few essentials you need to know before going…
Don’t rush anything. Take a look around, familiarise yourself, get to grips with the general etiquette and how other people are playing.
Check your stakes. Once you’ve selected your preferred casino game, take a seat and get yourself comfortable. Then check what the stakes are – there are tables and slots ranging from 25p per play to £5, £10, and more, so it’s always best to be sure before.
Speak to your dealer. Ask them questions so that you can learn that much faster during your first visit. The dealers are always happy to help with any questions you have.
So, what are your rules for being a true gentleman in the modern day? Do you have any extra tips and tricks for showing your gentlemanly prowess? We’d love to hear from you!
We’ll be releasing the Grosvenor Gent videos throughout August, so stay ahead of the style pack and be sure to check back to our Youtube Channel for more style and casino tips.








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