Live casino dealer Grosvenor Mihail

Live Casino Dealer of the month | Mihail

Our Live Casino dealers play an integral role in the overall experience of our award-winning Live Casino app.

One of the best features, among many of the others on the app, is that you can choose which dealers you play with, and on top of that you can receive notifications on your device to see when your favourite dealers come online.

Also, breakdowns in the number of live tables that are running and the minimum bet you can place on each game are discussed before you begin playing any of the live casino games.

We’d like to introduce this month’s dealer of the month, Mihail who we caught up with to find out a little bit more about…

What is your name, nationality and how old are you?

My name is Mihail and I am 37-years-old. I originally come from Bulgaria

What are your hobbies outside work?

Outside of work I like to keep fit and the most enjoyable way I have found to do that is by cycling.

What is your favourite sport/team/personality?

I don’t support any sports teams, however I do like to watch a little bit of tennis, so I enjoyed watching Wimbledon recently.

What type of music do you like?

I always like to listen to music but I would say my favourite is 90’s music.

What type of food do you enjoy?

I like a lot of Italian and Spanish food. It is just something I have got used to over the years and have always enjoyed.

What has been your best holiday destination so far?

My holiday destination of choice is Spain! I love almost everything  about the country  – the food, the beer, the people, the sightseeing and the language.

Growing up, what was your dream job?

I always had a fascination with cars and driving so my dream job as a kid was to be some sort of driver. It’s ridiculous to think about that now though,  because  I don’t own even a driving license and have never passed my driving test!

If you wasn’t a live dealer, what job would you be doing now?

I guess if I wasn’t a live dealer I would have been working as a cabin crew.

What do your friends think of your job?

Once they actually understand what I do as a job, they think I would have been too shy to do it. They also think it is an interesting job, though.

How long have you been a live dealer for and have you had any previous experience working in a casino?

I have been a live dealer for just over a year now. I initially started working as a shuffler, but after a while I was then keen to see what it would be like to be a live dealer. I also saw more opportunities to grow  if a become a live dealer. It was a completely new challenge for me, but one I have enjoyed.

What three keys skills do you believe it takes to become a good live dealer?

I would have to say confidence is very important, along with knowledge of the games you deal. You also have to be an entertainer as well.

What is your favourite game to deal and why?

I have only been in the job for just over a year, So I only know how to deal blackjack and three card poker. Out of the to I definitely prefer blackjack as I find it much more interesting game. Over time though I will look to gain more experience and start live dealing in other games.

Want to play one of our live casino games with Mihail or any of our live dealers? You can do so here




One response to “Live Casino Dealer of the month | Mihail”

  1. Manuel Franco

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